(The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own)
Shadow bank activity in China mostly refers to what doesn’t appear on
banks’ balance sheets, such as lending by trust companies and wealth
management pools. It accounted for $3.7 trillion of credit at the end of
2012, according to Standard & Poors, equivalent to a third of
China’s bank loans. These loans are repackaged as short-term products
and sold to savers. In theory, rates are set by the market, unlike bank
deposits, where low rates are capped by the government.
The problem is that, in China, shadow banking has leached into the
mainstream. Regular banks have used their access to cheap deposit and
interbank funding, and the assumption that they are “too big to fail”,
to sponsor huge quantities of products that are not on their books. In
the first ten days of June, banks lent a record one trillion yuan –
seventy percent of it in the form of short-term notes that are mostly
off banks’ balance sheets, the Wall Street Journal reported on July 2.
That has allowed banks to get around lending quotas, offer savers
products with higher interest rates, and earn sales commissions. But it
has brought shadow bank risk into the deposit-taking safety net – too
close for comfort to regular savings, the lifeblood of the economy.
Two shades of grey
There are two ways shadow bank activities could ping back onto
mainstream lenders. The first is through liquidity risk. Short-term
products – some lasting just a month – must be refinanced regularly.
That’s a problem if the products are being used to finance longer-term
loans. If a bank can’t attract enough new savers it might have to use
its own cash to plug the hole.
Last month’s spike in inter-bank lending rates was a warning. Some
lenders were effectively frozen out of the market, even as some $240
billion of wealth products came due, according to Fitch. In a nightmare
scenario, a bank could be so strapped that its ATMs ran dry. The central
bank would have to step in, but confidence would be dented.
The solution is simply to prevent banks from being seen as the
backstop for wealth products. Investors are already told that if a
product fails, they are on their own. But the message will only sink in
when a product is allowed to default. Provided regular bank savings were
clearly labeled as safe, a wealth product slip-up need not create total
chaos. The only alternative is to stop banks from selling wealth
products completely.
Hidden dragons
The second channel is credit risk. It’s linked to liquidity: if the
ultimate borrower from an off balance sheet vehicle can’t pay back, a
bank may be forced to take the loan onto its own books and repay
investors, even if technically it was only the middleman. The bank
regulator has already told lenders to limit how many credit-linked
wealth management products they distribute.
But there’s another fear, namely that lenders may also be hiding
direct exposure to shadow credit. One way they do it is through trust
products. Banks can arrange for one company to lend to another through a
trust structure, with the bank then taking on the credit risk through
complex trades with other banks. This can then be classed as an
interbank loan.
Such “innovative” interbank activity may have made up 2.7 percent of
total loans by the end of 2012, according to CIMB. Rising inter-bank
lending rates makes these trades less attractive, but won’t kill them
off entirely.
Improved financial stability may come at the expense of economic
growth. If banks stop pushing shadow credit, growth would slow, and
borrowers who are relying on shadow lending to service real bank debts
might go to the wall, causing bad debts to rise. However, that
correction is inevitable. The longer the wait, the more painful it will
Eventually, China should be able to harness shadow banks for good.
They already give a useful signal of what kind of savings rates
depositors really expect. A non-bank lending sector where investors
understand there’s no free lunch would help channel funds where they’re
needed. It may even help pave the way for China to abandon its tightly
regulated bank interest rates. That’s a worthy target – but it won’t
happen unless the authorities can make that crucial cut.
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