You may recall that I interviewed her once before,
just as her cinematic star was rising. While that was a bit sillier,
this time I will focus on hard-hitting internet journalism. Buckle
yourself in for a wild orgy of hot, nude information!
On Retiring
Dave: So you're out of the porno thing now?
Texas: Yes, it lasted a long 6 months. I got nominated for an award and cut the fuck out.
Me: What was the award for, and did you win?
Texas:Sadly, no. That only would've made the situation that much more interesting. I should lie and say I did. It was "Best solo."
Dave: Solo? You mean like on a saxophone?
Texas: Yes, I was first chair. You haven't heard of the new Jazz/porno fusion? It's so hot right now.
Dave: Yeah I tried out for the Hustler Philharmonic
Texas: I almost made the Tranny Siberian Orchestra, but I was missing my instrument.
Now I'm totally gonna go all Terry Gross and ask probing questions. Was
any kind of turning point where you realized this whole porn thing just
wasn't going to work out?
It was during a shoot. My male "costar" (to use the term loosely) was
being really touchy-feely. My boyfriend was there, and I felt incredibly
disgusted that this guy was trying to kiss me... that's when it dawned
on me. "I'm about to have this guy 9 inches deep, and his tongue in my
MOUTH seems too personal?"
This is going to sound a bit discriminate: later I found out he shot a lot of movies with trannies. I vomited, and retired.
Dave: So where's the line between "I'm doing porn" and "touchy-feely"?
That was a strange thing for me to say without clarifying...
Touchy-feely: hugging on me. kissing my neck. being too "boyfriend-y."
I'm doing porn: One position. Hard-core - 5 minutes / soft - core - 5
minutes. Next position. It's not romantic, and it doesn't really feel
like sex most times.
Dave: I'd imagine the boyfriend being there could be kind of awkward.
Possibly. I don't really care much. I was doing it for him, and it was
part of my contract with everyone that if I wanted to bring him, I
could. Sorry bro, can't get your dick hard in front of my boyfriend? Not
my vagina's problem.
Dave: Was the name "Texas Presley" your choice, or was it thrust upon you?
I picked it. I originally signed up as "Veronica Vaughan"... but I had
picked the name Veronica for my firstborn daughter, and didn't feel that
was too terribly appropriate. I changed it to Texas since I'm from the
Lone Star, and Presley because I sometimes see a resemblance. Maybe it's
wishful thinking, but that's beside the point. I picked it, and it
Dave: Was there any temptation to come up with something a little more awesome, like Helga Von Anus?
Texas: Strangely, no. Hmm… Veronica De PlowMouth… Looselips Mcgillacunty. Oh, and to clarify, I don't have a firstborn daughter.
Dave: But if you did, you'd name her Helga Von Anus?
Texas: Well, now I would! You should add that to
The Pornographer's Mansion
When they film porn, do they usually do it in the pornographer's
mansion, or do rich people actually rent out their houses to be used as
porn locations?
Texas: Both. More often than not it's some rich person's house. How do you explain those stains? Geeerrrrrrrroooosss.
Dave: Does the rich person get to hang around and watch?
Dave: Did they seem to notice you?
They were just so quiet, I hadn't noticed them over the huge penis I
was staring in the face. They seemed indifferent. "Seems like this one's
never had one that big before! Can you pass the jam?"
Dave: Didn't that make you just a little bit bashful?
I think for a minute I was aware of my surroundings, and a little
rosy-cheeked, but as previously mentioned there was a HUGE penis staring
me in the face. I don't know if you're familiar with Scott Nails or
not, but it's easy to forget there's other people in the room when
something like that is waving about. (Scott, if you're reading this...
CALL ME. Ha ha, I kid, I kid... no, but really, CALL ME.)
wonder what the number would be if ever porn star added up individually
how many times they fucked on a pool table making a movie. I bet it's
friggin' impressive.
Dave: So, since this is Something Awful and everything, are you ready to talk some shit?
Texas: YES! I'm scared and excited. The hair on my neck is standing up.
Dave: Let's hit the ground running: which adult actor or actress smells the worst?
Texas: Tiffany Taylor. No question. No hesitation.
Dave: Please describe her smell for the good people at home.
Texas:Worst smelling vagina OF ALL TIME. Low tide exploded inside her cervix.
Dave: Would you go so far as to say that her vagina could be used to strip the paint off a battleship?
I could say that. I think her vagina was actually filled with the "dip"
from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Whew, even remembering that makes me
cringe. I hear she won Jenna Jameson's "pornstar challenge show",
how funny is that show, for real? It's like a beauty pageant for beauty
queens whose uncles gave them one too many hugs...
I was really in a pickle in that circumstance. I can be really shy at
times, especially if someone is completely rank like that. I mean...
she's already acting like a fucking cunt and ruining the scene... so now
I'm going to tell her that her vagina smells like a dead skunk inside a
trash can? I kept trying to hint to the director, but didn't have the
balls to just up and say it. Really, there was no way to win that
situation. In hindsight I should've just vomited and fainted. Maybe that
would've made it more apparent.
Dave: Who wins the award for bitchiest? Besides you.
Again, I'd have to say Tiffany Taylor. She was incredibly moody, and
difficult. Argued a lot with the director, just came off really snotty
and spoiled. Granted, this could be due to the fact that her pussy
smelled of vinegar and fish guts. That probably put me in a pretty
shitty mood, too. Second, id say was a director... shit, what was her
name... for Metro. Brandi, or something. She was literally famous for
shoving baseball bats up her asshole. And she's giving ME attitude?
Dave: That tends to diminish a person's credibility a little. So, are all male porn stars basically just unfrozen cavemen?
God, I wish I could talk shit here, but in actuality, some of the
coolest guys I know are male porn stars. Something to be said for a guy
who gets to fuck hot-ass women all day long, and make $1,500 a day doing
it. They're the most laid back, no-bullshit kind of guys. Maybe I was
just lucky.
It takes a certain amount of
patience. Hot women are fucking insane. And you're combining hot women
with hot women who clearly have issues. These guys see some shit.
Dave: So would you say that female porn stars are actually smellier and more maladjusted than male porn stars?
Texas: Absolutely. I'd wear a t-shirt. "I'd rather be a male porn star"
Being close to the industry, did you ever hear any awesome gossip that
you were sworn to secrecy about, but which you'll repeat here because
it's funny?
Texas: Yes... this is a horrible story, actually.
Dave: Horrible stories are the best.
wont use her name, because I actually do like her,.but I always think
of it whenever I see her in movies now. Even though she's smokin' hot
and a great performer... I can't ever stand to watch...
she's younger... like 20, which in the industry is like MILF age now.
Anyway, she meets this guy on MySpace, and he's like this little small
town podunk backwoods marine or something, and he's even younger than
her. Completely naïve. He's never even SEEN a porno, and this girl is
like hugely famous in the industry. She has the dirtiest mouth I've ever
heard, fucks the biggest dicks, does anal, double penetration, the
whole 9, and she's dating this 18 year old kid.
they fly back and forth to see each other. And she's crying to me,
telling me that she feels so bad, she doesn't want to tell him
everything she's done (which I understand) and then she launches into
this tirade on all the STD's she's gotten over the years (most of them
before porn; they test you in the industry). And im thinking "oh, she
got the clap once or twice or whatever, and it can't be that bad, yadda
yadda yadda."
Oh boy was I wrong. She's like
"I've had gonorrhea four times, I've had warts burned off three times,
Chlamydia like who knows how many times, and the list goes on. I'm
sitting there trying my fucking hardest not to burst out laughing,
because I think it's just fucking amazing what she's saying to me... but
of course, absolutely horrified. I mean, you can clear up most of that
stuff, but WHAT THE FUCK!?
Dave: So she had dozens of STDs before she was even in porn? Porn cleaned up her vagina?
Texas:Yes! And that's the funny part! It fucking put a leash on her glaringly obvious sexual addiction.
Dave: Since quitting, have you had any creepy fan experiences?
Not creepy. People will come up and say "Texas!" or "do I know you from
movies?"..."did you do movies once"..."your pussy's as pink as a pair
of ballet shoes." Wait... that is kind of creepy.
Dave: I get that all the time, too.
Texas: It's funny how many times I actually had that happen before I even did movies.
Dave: Is the thought that some obese nerd is likely seeing you naked right now as we speak creepy to you, or gratifying? Or both?
I absolutely love it. The one thing that never creeps me out is knowing
someone is getting off thinking I'm fantastic. And by fantastic, I mean
Even if that person is like 400 pounds and has to prop up the massive
flap of flesh over his pubis with popsicle sticks and use a special
claw-on-a-pole apparatus to stimulate himself because he can't reach
around his own circumference? While watching you?
I think that if he puts that much goddamn effort into just jerking off,
he deserves to get one off every now and again, and if I do it for him
...then sheeeyit, he must have good mofuggen taste.
OK, how about this one: a guy has just murdered his family in cold
blood and decides to see porn one more time before the cops arrive and
haul him off to the slammer. So he pops in one of your tapes and does
his business, and the SWAT team busts in his door right as he's about to
finish, and he wheels around toward the door in surprise and his arcing
load lands squarely on the gaping shotgun hole in his dead wife. Still
Would. Be. FUCKING. AWESOME! I'd write him letters in prison. And send
him dirty pics, hoping he'd go on some spree in the prison... I'd be
forever famous as the porn star that causes murder. Kind of like that
news lady whose voice was giving people epileptic seizures. But
considering I don't even remember her name now, I guess the novelty
would wear off after a while and I'd just have some creepy serial killer
waxing his monkey thinking about me. Hmm… no, still cool.
Dave: Out of the following options, try to "draw the line" where enjoyment of your work gets creepy:
A) A fan at home enjoying your work as God intended.B) A fan enjoying you from the bushes outside your house.C) A fan waiting for you to leave your house, then sneaking in and jerking off in your shampoo.D) A fan casually walking up to you on the street and ejaculating in your hair.
You know, from just these questions I'm gathering that you may, by
chance, think a lot about ejaculating into my hair, or possibly someone
else's hair... or even your own. Anyway, I'd find them all to be
exceedingly funny. I've got a good sense of humor. I'd react as anyone
would to someone ejaculating in my hair without invitation: hysterical
laughter, which turns to explosive rage and possible murder.
Occasionally. I miss fucking some of those people. I mean, when it was
good... IT WAS GOOD. I think I remember a lot of the people like I'd
remember any good booty call in which I made a ton of money.
Dave: So the nostalgia is more of a sex thing than a money thing.
Yeah, however... now that I'm thinking about it... I do miss the money.
Shit... maybe I shouldn't be shit talking, I might need to get back
into it. I have my eye on a fancy purse. HA!
Dave: And what do you miss least about porn?
Texas: Tiffany Taylor's Vagina. And the potential that the next vagina would rival hers.
So, when Something Awful inevitably starts its porn wing, would you be
willing to work pro-bono with Kevin "Fragmaster" Bowen, as a personal
favor to me?
Texas: I'd fuck him for you, Dave. I'd do bad things with his nose.
Dave: His vagina can't smell any worse than Tiffany Taylor's, right?
Texas: Amen, brother.
That concludes our interview, but that's not all! Texas, a Something Awful fan herself, said that she'd gladly answer questions from readers. If you have a question for Ms. Presley, send it to and I'll pass it along to her and perhaps publish it in the near future.
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