Still, as both Beijing and Taipei are well aware, the visit is a blow for Ma. It is clear that China’s substantive relations with Taiwan’s diplomatic allies are growing,
with Pinto da Costa’s visit just the latest example. On the other hand,
Taiwan has made little headway in improving relations with potential
diplomatic allies in China’s camp, and its relations with at least some
of its own allies appear to be getting worse. So, even as the
“diplomatic truce” with China holds, Taiwan’s official diplomatic
relationships are steadily being hollowed out. The issue with Sao Tome
and Principe is an embarrassment for the Ma administration because it
very publicly highlights this situation, and the inability or
unwillingness of the government to do much about it.
To understand why, we need to look back at the situation under
Taiwan’s previous president, the DPP’s Chen Shui-bian. The Chen
administration was initially ambivalent about the diplomatic allies it
inherited from President Lee Teng-hui. Chen’s foreign aid policy
priorities were asserting a Taiwan identity, improving Taiwan’s
reputation as a donor, and – above all –being frugal with public money
after the excesses of the Lee era. Many in the DPP had struggled against
the China identity Chiang Kai-shek and the KMT had imposed on Taiwan
during the dictatorial period, and paying small, impoverished countries
to diplomatically recognize the “Republic of China” seemed increasingly
anachronistic. Significant players in the DPP would much rather have
seen countries across the globe recognizing a democratic “Republic of
Taiwan” without any need for monetary inducement.
But this view changed as Beijing began to punish Chen for being
unwilling to move towards unification through luring away diplomatic
allies. Unfortunately for Chen, Taiwan’s public were much less sanguine
about the need for diplomatic allies than DPP policymakers, and the
dwindling numbers of countries recognizing Taiwan became a significant
policy issue. Faced with a hostile KMT-dominated legislature and with no
public appetite for raising the foreign affairs budget to outbid China,
the Chen administration panicked. Money was channeled into increasingly
risky, even scandalous, tactics. In one episode, two middlemen stole $30 million
allocated to establish relations with Papua New Guinea. Such incidents
and tactics angered both Taiwan’s voters and influential Western
countries such as Australia, and could only slow the steady decline in
the number of diplomatic allies.
Meanwhile, the KMT was developing an increasingly friendly
relationship with Beijing based on their shared opposition to “Taiwan
independence” and the DPP. This relationship saw the two sides establish
a “diplomatic truce,” tacitly agreeing to stop going after the other
side’s diplomatic allies.
This dramatically changed the equation on diplomatic allies and
foreign aid for the incoming Ma Ying-jeou administration. Taiwan’s
diplomatic allies could no longer switch to China. The Ma government
used this leverage to reform some aspects of how it handles aid to its
allies. Although these reforms actually fall short of international OECD
standards, simply halting the churn of diplomatic allies—and the
associated controversies and scandals—have significantly improved
Taiwan’s reputation. The Taiwan government has also used the opportunity
presented by the agreement with China to further reduce the amount
spent on diplomatic allies. The foreign aid budget is now reportedly
less than 0.09 percent of GNI, much lower than the average 0.3 percent
aid effort of the OECD donor countries in 2013.
The Ma administration assumed that the diplomatic allies would have no choice but to accept these changes. But Gambia’s decision to break off relations with Taiwan
last year showed that the diplomatic truce could only stop allies from
recognizing China; it could not force them to recognize Taiwan. Other
allies have used less dramatic ways to express their discontent.
Panama’s president, for example, waited six months before he would accept the credentials of Taiwan’s ambassador.
Even so, the dramatic slowdown in the number of diplomatic allies
lost – one over the six years of the Ma administration vs. six over the
eight years under Chen – means the public has become largely indifferent
to the issues of diplomatic allies and foreign aid. Ma has avoided
being caught between maintaining the number of diplomatic allies,
international pressure, and a shrinking aid budget. In this narrow
respect, then, the policy has undoubtedly been a success.
But whether or not it is good policy is far less certain. An unknown
though presumably significant fraction of Taiwan’s diplomatic allies now
continue to recognize Taiwan only because China says they must. Beijing
will cancel the diplomatic truce if or when it grows sufficiently
dissatisfied with Taiwan’s progress towards unification. True, there are
some incentives for China to maintain the truce. For example, it saves
Beijing money and it may be somewhat reluctant to further alienate
Taiwan’s voters through a return to diplomatic competition. Yet China’s
plan for unification is so unpalatable to the vast majority of Taiwan’s
people that a break down in the truce at some point seems quite likely –
especially if the next president is from the DPP. If or when it does
break down, the Taiwan government of the day will be presented with a
flood of defections, and there is the very strong possibility that
Taiwan will be worse off than it was before.
If history is a guide, the Taiwan government will scramble to hold
onto its allies with whatever means at its disposal. This will undo all
of the gains that have accrued to Taiwan’s international reputation, and
Taiwan may well be left more stigmatized as a donor than it was under
Chen Shui-bian. These frantic efforts will only have limited success,
and the number of diplomatic allies will plateau at a significantly
lower level than now. The president of the day will bear the blame, even
though it will have been a direct consequence of Ma’s policies.
The one hope for the hapless president who finds him or herself in
this situation is that Taiwan’s electorate is now mature enough to
understand that trying to maintain a high number of diplomatic allies
comes at significant cost to Taiwan in terms of both money and
reputation. If Taiwan’s voters can’t stomach spending more money on
foreign aid, then perhaps they can be convinced that having fewer
diplomatic allies is preferable to the scandals and international
controversies that inevitably come with trying to hold onto allies on
the cheap.
The DPP has the most to lose over this issue, and needs to start
preparing now. If China withdraws the truce from a DPP president, the
KMT will do whatever it can to make sure that the DPP feels the hurt
domestically. It will use its influence in the media and the legislature
to disrupt any rational discussion of the costs and benefits involved
in trying to maintain a high number of diplomatic allies. It will also
use the legislature to reduce the resources a DPP president has to deal
with issue, and sensationalize the administration’s foreign affairs
activities to maximize scandal and controversy. So, rather than engaging
in political opportunism and trying to scare voters about the hollowing
out of Taiwan’s official diplomatic relations
under Ma, the DPP should begin a conversation with the electorate about
how fragile the situation has become under Ma, and the hard choices
that will have to be made.
While difficult, it may also be possible for both the current
administration and the DPP to find ways to strengthen relationships with
diplomatic allies even while improving Taiwan’s credentials as donor.
For example, Taiwan could explore directly transferring cash to
individual citizens below the poverty line in diplomatically allied
countries. Such “cash transfers” as they are known, are receiving strong support
from influential development researchers, and would put Taiwan at the
cutting edge of development aid practice. Cash transfers would also give
ordinary citizens a direct stake in their country’s relationship with
Taiwan. Most importantly, they would avoid much of the corruption and
waste that comes with delivering aid directly into allied government
budgets, while at the same time allowing allied governments to claim
popular credit for maintaining the relationship with Taiwan.
Whatever approach Taiwan decides to take, the time to start thinking
about it is now. As Pinto da Costa’s visit to China shows, neither
Beijing nor Taiwan’s remaining diplomatic allies are standing still on
this issue. If Taiwan’s policymakers wait until China withdraws the
diplomatic truce to start coming up with a plan, it will already be too
Dr. Joel Atkinson is a Research Fellow at South Korea’s leading
university-based development and poverty research institute, IPAID,
where he researches East Asian foreign aid policies. He is managing
editor of the institute’s English language peer reviewed-journal, the Journal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development (JPAID). This article draws on research published in The Pacific Review. The views express here are the writer’s own, and do not represent the views of his employer.
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