10 Things You Didn't Know About William Shakespeare
Did you know that some people think England’s beloved Bard never
existed? According to one longstanding theory the literary masterpieces
attributed to Shakespeare were actually written by Edward De Vere, Earl
of Oxford. Find out more about this hypothesis and explore other
interesting aspects of Shakespeare’s life and legacy.
- Shakespeare’s father held a lot of different jobs, and at one point got paid to drink beer.
The son of a tenant farmer, John Shakespeare was nothing if not upwardly
mobile. He arrived in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1551 and began dabbling in
various trades, selling leather goods, wool, malt and corn. In 1556 he
was appointed the borough’s official “ale taster,” meaning he was
responsible for inspecting bread and malt liquors. The next year he took
another big step up the social ladder by marrying Mary Arden, the
daughter of an aristocratic farmer who happened to be his father’s
former boss. John later became a moneylender and held a series of
municipal positions, serving for some time as the mayor of Stratford. In
the 1570s he fell into debt and ran into legal problems for reasons
that remain unclear.
- Shakespeare married an older woman who was three months pregnant at the time.
In November 1582, 18-year-old William wed Anne Hathaway, a farmer’s
daughter eight years his senior. Instead of the customary three times,
the couple’s intention to marry was only announced at church
once—evidence that the union was hastily arranged because of Anne’s
eyebrow-raising condition. Six months after the wedding, the
Shakespeares welcomed a daughter, Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith
followed in February 1585. Little is known about the relationship
between William and Anne, besides that they often lived apart and he
only bequeathed her his “second-best bed” in his will.
- Shakespeare’s parents were probably illiterate, and his children almost certainly were.
Nobody knows for sure, but it’s quite likely that John and Mary
Shakespeare never learned to read or write, as was often the case for
people of their standing during the Elizabethan era. Some have argued
that John’s civic duties would have required basic literacy, but in any
event he always signed his name with a mark. William, on the other hand,
attended Stratford’s local grammar school, where he mastered reading,
writing and Latin. His wife and their two children who lived to
adulthood, Susanna and Judith, are thought to have been illiterate,
though Susanna could scrawl her signature.
- Nobody knows what Shakespeare did between 1585 and 1592.
To the dismay of his biographers, Shakespeare disappears from the
historical record between 1585, when his twins’ baptism was recorded,
and 1592, when the playwright Robert Greene denounced him in a pamphlet
as an “upstart crow.” The insult suggests he’d already made a name for
himself on the London stage by then. What did the newly married father
and future literary icon do during those seven “lost” years? Historians
have speculated that he worked as a schoolteacher, studied law, traveled
across continental Europe or joined an acting troupe that was passing
through Stratford. According to one 17th-century account, he fled his
hometown after poaching deer from a local politician’s estate.
- Shakespeare’s plays feature the first written instances of hundreds of familiar terms.
William Shakespeare is believed to have influenced the English language
more than any other writer in history, coining—or, at the very least,
popularizing—terms and phrases that still regularly crop up in everyday
conversation. Examples include the words “fashionable” (“Troilus and
Cressida”), “sanctimonious” (“Measure for Measure”), “eyeball” (“A
Midsummer Night’s Dream”) and “lackluster” (“As You Like It”); and the
expressions “foregone conclusion” (“Othello”), “in a pickle” (“The
Tempest”), “wild goose chase” (“Romeo and Juliet”) and “one fell swoop”
(“Macbeth”). He is also credited with inventing the given names Olivia,
Miranda, Jessica and Cordelia, which have become common over the years
(as well as others, such as Nerissa and Titania, which have not).
- We probably don’t spell Shakespeare’s name correctly—but, then again, neither did he.
Sources from William Shakespeare’s lifetime spell his last name in more
than 80 different ways, ranging from “Shappere” to “Shaxberd.” In the
handful of signatures that have survived, the Bard never spelled his own
name “William Shakespeare,” using variations or abbreviations such as
“Willm Shakp,” “Willm Shakspere” and “William Shakspeare” instead.
However it’s spelled, Shakespeare is thought to derive from the Old
English words “schakken” (“to brandish”) and “speer” (“spear”), and
probably referred to a confrontational or argumentative person.
- Shakespeare’s epitaph wards off would-be grave robbers with a curse.
William Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616, at the age of 52—not bad for
an era when the average life expectancy ranged between 30 and 40 years.
We may never know what killed him, although an acquaintance wrote that
the Bard fell ill after a night of heavy drinking with fellow playwright
Ben Jonson. Despite his swift demise, Shakespeare supposedly had the
wherewithal to pen the epitaph over his tomb, which is located inside a
Stratford church. Intended to thwart the numerous grave robbers who
plundered England’s cemeteries at the time, the verse reads: “Good
friend, for Jesus’ sake forbeare, / To dig the dust enclosed here.
Blessed be the man that spares these stones, / And cursed be he that
moves my bones.” It must have done the trick, since Shakespeare’s
remains have yet to be disturbed.
- Shakespeare wore a gold hoop earring—or so we think.
Our notion of William Shakespeare’s appearance comes from several
17th-century portraits that may or may not have been painted while the
Bard himself sat behind the canvas. In one of the most famous
depictions, known as the Chandos portrait after its onetime owner, the
subject has a full beard, a receding hairline, loosened shirt-ties and a
shiny gold hoop dangling from his left ear. Even back in Shakespeare’s
time, earrings on men were trendy hallmarks of a bohemian lifestyle, as
evidenced by images of other Elizabethan artists. The fashion may have
been inspired by sailors, who sported a single gold earring to cover
funeral costs in case they died at sea.
- North America’s 200 million starlings have Shakespeare to thank for their existence.
William Shakespeare’s works contain more than 600 references to various
types of birds, from swans and doves to sparrows and turkeys. The
starling—a lustrous songbird with a gift for mimicry, native to Europe
and western Asia—makes just one appearance, in “Henry IV, Part 1.” In
1890 an American “bardolator” named Eugene Schiffelin decided to import
every kind of bird mentioned in Shakespeare’s oeuvre but absent from the
United States. As part of this project, he released two flocks of 60
starlings in New York’s Central Park. One hundred twenty years later,
the highly adaptable species has taken over the skies, becoming invasive
and driving some native birds to the brink of extinction.
- Some people think Shakespeare was a fraud.
How did a provincial commoner who had never gone to college or ventured
outside Stratford become one of the most prolific, worldly and eloquent
writers in history? Even early in his career, Shakespeare was spinning
tales that displayed in-depth knowledge of international affairs,
European capitals and history, as well as familiarity with the royal
court and high society. For this reason, some theorists have suggested
that one or several authors wishing to conceal their true identity used
the person of William Shakespeare as a front. Proposed candidates
include Edward De Vere, Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe and Mary
Sidney Herbert. Most scholars and literary historians remain skeptical
about this hypothesis, although many suspect Shakespeare sometimes
collaborated with other playwrights.
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