Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

Bartender Winning Lottery Ticket

Jerry Arnett, lottery ticketAurora Kephart was serving customers at Conway’s Restaurant and Lounge in Oregon, in the US, when she was asked to pick two lottery tickets by a male patron.
To her surprise, and his, she discovered she had won the huge sum.
‘The look on his face was incredible,’ the 25-year-old told The Register-Guard newspaper.
‘I automatically handed it back to him; it was his ticket.’
 A bartender was left in a ‘scramble’ after a regular tipped her with a $17,500 (£11,000)

But the man, who has not released his name, told her to keep it and even forced her to sign it so no one else could claim the prize.

The kindhearted bartender did decide to give him some of her winnings though, saying ‘I just couldn’t not give him some of it’.
Ms Kephart continued working the night she found out about her win but admitted her brain was in a ‘scramble’ for the rest of the night.
She plans to buy a sofa with her winnings.

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