Minggu, 16 Maret 2014

Photography Exhibition Indonesia - Australia (1850-1940)

Thursday, 27 February 2014
​The Australian Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop, has officially opened the photography exhibition “Garden of the East: Photography in Indonesia 1850s – 1940s” on Wednesday (26/02) in Gandel Hall, National Gallery of Australia (NGA), Canberra.

This exhibition, which opens until 22 June 2014, is one of the three Indonesian photography and cultural exhibitions which will be conducted by NGA this year.

In their opening remarks, Mr. Allan Myers, Chairman of NGA and Dr. Ron Radford, Director of NGA, said that NGA has a mission to collect artistic objects from neighbouring countries.

This exhibition is also a part of the activities for the 40th anniversary of Australia – ASEAN’s relations.

NGA has more than 8000 photo collection where 6500 of them are about Indonesia, and 250 of the Indonesian collection will be displayed in the exhibition. This early photographic art exhibition will show photos of Indonesian, European, Chinese communities in 1850s – 1940s.

Charge d’Affaires of the Indonesian Embassy, Ms. Kusuma Habir, in her remarks said that, "the Indonesian Government highly welcome the exhibition of Garden of the East, which is expected to show the richness and cultural diversities of Indonesia to Australian public. This initiative is also expected to bring closer relations between the people and both countries".

In her remarks, the Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said that Indonesia is the closest neighbour country and strong trade partner for Australia and also has an extensive people-to-people links.

During the opening ceremony two Embassy’s staffs performed Gamelan music to the audience. (Source: Indonesian Embassy in Canberra)

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