Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2013

Balita Sekarat Pendamping Perkawinan Ibunya

Logan StevensonSeorang bayi montok menggemaskan usia dua tahun yang diramalkan dokter tengah mendekati ajal akibat kanker ganas, menjadi pendamping pengantin untuk pernikahan kedua orangtuanya. Bayi Logan Stevenson menderita leukemia myeloid akut dan telah menjalani serangkaian operasi, meski pada bulan lalu akhirnya tim dokter yang menanganinya mengatakan sang balita tak akan berumur panjang.
Sisa usianya menurut dokter tinggal beberapa pekan dan karena itu kedua orang tuanya, Christine Swidorsky dan Sean Stevenson, mempercepat penyelenggaraan pernikahan yang semula dijadwalkan dilangsungkan Juli 2014.
Dalam sebuah acara yang khidmat di kota Pittsburgh, AS, pernikahan itu dibuat sekaligus juga sebagai puncak perayaan untuk kesembuhan si bayi.
Logan digendong oleh neneknya Debbie Stevenson sepanjang acara dimana dia terus memeluk boneka kelinci kesayangannya.
"Ini adalah mimpi kami yang jadi nyata yang kami hadapi," kata nenek Swidorsky sambil berlinang air mata, seperti dimuat di halaman koran Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
"Momen ini akan jadi salah satu memori yang akan terkenang selama hidup," tambah pengantin pria, Sean Stevenson, kepada koran tersebut setelah upacara usai.
"Sungguh sangat berarti bagi kami. Kami merasa sangat diberkahi masih bisa bersamanya di sini setiap hari," sambah si ayah.
Pasangan ini juga menyampaikan terimakasih pada masyarakat yang telah mendermakan dekorasi, makanan dan berbagai barang lain untuk keperluan upacara ini.

Malala Yousafzai Bertemu Keluarga Barack Obama

Malala YousafzaiPresiden Amerika Serikat, Barack Obama, dan ibu negara, Michelle Obama, menyambut Malala Yousafzai di Gedung Putih Washington.
Dalam pertemuan, Obama mengucapkan terima kasih dan pujian kepada Malala atas keteguhan dalam memperjuangan Klik pendidikan bagi anak perempuan. 

Pernyataan Gedung Putih menyebutkan bahwa ibu negara mengatakan pendidikan bagi perempuan merupakan hal terpenting yang bisa dilakukan seseorang.
"Bukan hanya untuk putri dan cucu kita tapi juga untuk keluarga mereka, masyarakat mereka dan negara mereka," seperti tertulis dalam pernyataan.

Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013

Pit Bull Saves New Owner's 4-Year-Old Son In Minneapolis

Peyton Anderson and TaterTot (© Christi Smith)A pit bull rescued just hours before it was set to be euthanized saved his new owner's 4-year-old son just days later, according to reports.
TaterTot began to bark and whimper in the middle of the night as he ran between Christi Smith and her child, Peyton Anderson, alerting the mother that something was wrong, KMSP-TV noted in a news segment. When Smith checked on Peyton, the boy was incoherent and barely breathing.
The mother rushed Peyton to the emergency room, where doctors determined the boy's blood sugar levels had crashed to a dangerous low. Veterinarian Isis Sanchez told the outlet that the dog's keen sense of smell likely detected the boys' shift in body chemistry.

Russia denies bail to British Greenpeace

Kieron Bryan - Greenpeace's photo
Video journalist Kieron Bryan, 29, and activist Philip Ball, 42, are among 30 people being held in the Arctic port of Murmansk after several Greenpeace campaigners attempted to scale the platform of the rig on September 18.
The court, in the northern port city of Murmansk, had already denied bail to four Russians held for the Sept. 18 protest in which a Greenpeace boat was boarded by security forces close to an oil rig in the Arctic.
The arrests and the piracy charges - punishable by up to 15 years in prison - appear aimed at deterring protests and sending a message that Moscow will not tolerate any such actions.
Other countries and companies are seeking to exploit Arctic energy resources and face similar concerns from environmentalists. A Finnish minister resigned on Friday over a row about a Greenpeace protest last year.
Some activists had tried to scale the Gazprom-owned Prirazlomnaya rig which is an important part of Russia's plans to develop the resource-rich Arctic, a move Greenpeace says could destroy a pristine environment.
Investigators have said more charges will be pressed against some protesters after drugs and other suspect items were found on the boat, the Arctic Sunrise. Greenpeace denies there were illegal items aboard.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said the activists were not pirates but that they violated international law. The head of the Kremlin's advisory body on human rights has said he would ask prosecutors to withdraw the piracy charges.
Greenpeace says the protest was peaceful and calls the piracy charges absurd and unfounded. Those arrested include American, Argentinian, Australian, Canadian, Danish, Dutch, French, Italian, New Zealand, Swiss and Turkish citizens, Greenpeace says.
In neighbouring Finland, a government minister who had appeared sympathy to Greenpeace in a separate Arctic protest, resigned.
Heidi Hautala, minister for international development who is also in charge of overseeing state ownership in companies was criticised by colleagues and the media for trying to dissuade state-owned shipping firm Arctia Shipping from filing a criminal complaint against the protest group.
Protesters scaled an Arctia icebreaker, contracted by Shell, in Helsinki last year to demonstrate against Arctic drilling.
Hautala, a member of Finland's Green Party, said she thought a state-owned firm should seek dialogue rather than legal action.
"I feel, however, that it would be very difficult for me to work in this role and therefore I see that it is best solution that I resign," she said.

Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

Kisah 5 Bintang 'Blue Film' Yang Bertobat

1. Melissa Scott menjadi pendeta

Melissa Scott tampaknya memang terlalu cantik dan seksi untuk menjadi seorang pendeta. Tidak heran karena dulunya pada 1980-an, dia mempunyai predikat sebagai bintang 'tayangan dewasa' alias film biru yang cukup terkenal dan dikenal dengan nama Barbie Bridges di di industri film panas.

Ketika masyarakat mengetahui latar belakangnya itu, sejumlah kalangan meminta dia berhenti menjadi pendeta, namun sebagian masyarakat tetap memintanya untuk mengabdi di jalan Tuhan karena Scott bisa menjadi contoh inspiratif dalam hidup karena telah menemukan jalan yang benar dari dunia kelam.
Scott akhirnya melanjutkan pendidikannya di Universitas Katedral di Los Angeles, dan rekaman ceramahnya cukup laris di pasaran.

2. Stephanie Gregory menjadi politikus

Di industri film panas dia dikenal dengan nama Stormy Daniels. Perempuan bernama asli Stephanie Gregory ini pernah membintangi lebih dari 120 film tontonan orang dewasa.

Dia menjadi sorotan publik Amerika Serikat setelah menyatakan maju untuk menjadi kandidat senator dari Partai Demokrat menantang David Vitter, senator pertahanan dari Partai Republik.

Namun sayangnya akhirnya dia membatalkan diri berkampanye karena boncos kekurangan dana.

3. Shelley Lubben mendirikan Yayasan Salib Merah Jambu

Shelley Lubben adalah salah satu bintang film dewasa yang menemukan damai di jalan Tuhan.

Di industri esek-esek bintang film dewasa ini dikenal dengan nama Roxy dan sudah membintangi banyak film. Namun akhirnya dia berhenti 'mengabdi sebagai bintang film konsumsi orang dewasa' dan kini mengabdi sebagai umat Kristen yang taat. Tidak hanya itu, dia juga 'berdakwah' membantu teman-temannya seprofesi untuk kembali ke jalan yang benar dan keluar dari industri film 'konsumsi kalangan dewasa'.

Dia telah terlibat dengan sejumlah kampanye yang menyerukan tidak sehatnya industri film dewasa. Dia kini menjadi seorang pendeta yang menyoroti industri film dewasa melalui Yayasan Salib Merah Jambu yang dia dirikan bersama suaminya, Garret.

4. Tara Myers menjadi guru sekolah di Missouri

Setelah merasa mulai tua dan kariernya sudah mulai meredup di dunia perfileman dewasa akhirnya Tara Myers banting setir dan memutuskan untuk menjadi guru sekolah. Mantan bintang film biru ini mengajar di sebuah sekolah di Missouri.

Menurutnya, bermain film porno memang tidak bisa bertahan lama dan ia merasa merasa industri film dewasa bukan lagi tempat yang layak buat dia mencari nafkah. Sejumlah bintang film biru berpikir mereka lebih baik berbalik arah dan menjadi orang religius atau ibu rumah tangga bagi keluarganya.

5. Michael Verdugo jadi polisi Florida

Verdugo tampil dalam sebuah film panas gay pada 1996. Dia mengaku hanya bermain dalam satu film porno. Setelah itu dia berubah pikiran dan memutuskan untuk meninggalkan industri film biru lalu membangun karier sebagai penegak hukum.

Sebagai polisi Negara Bagian Florida, Verdugo awalnya menjadi polisi patroli. Dia sering menangkap penjahat jalanan. Pada 2008 dia mendapat masalah administratif. Tapi setelah diselidiki akhirnya dia dibolehkan tetap menjalani profesinya sebagai polisi

French special forces killed around 10 militants in a gun battle

French special forces killed around 10 militants in a gun battle in northern Mali this month, Paris said on Thursday, as simmering violence threatens security at November elections and will delay a French troop withdrawal.
France, which sent soldiers to its former colony in January to oust militants who had taken over swathes of the West African country, will not draw down troop numbers to 1,000, from 3,200 by year-end as initially planned, a spokesman confirmed.
"We want to continue our reduction of troops to 1,000 by late January, early February," armed forces spokesman Gilles Jaron told a news conference.
French officials have previously said the withdrawal could be pushed back due to planned legislative elections on November 24.

Diplomasi Publik Bukan Hanya Milik Negara

Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

“Diplomasi tidak hanya milik negara, tetapi juga milik perguruan tinggi dan mahasiwa”, ujar Direktur Diplomasi Publik, Al Busyra Basnur, di depan 150 mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) yang berkunjung ke Kementerian Luar Negeri RI pada tanggal 8 Oktober 2013.

Dalam kunjungan tersebut para mahasiswa memperoleh paparan mengenai fungsi dan tugas Kementerian Luar Negeri di bidang diplomasi publik dan peran Indonesia di berbagai forum multilateral, yang masing-masing disampaikan oleh Direktur Diplomasi Publik dan Plh. Kepala Bagian Program Kerja dan Pelaporan pada Sekretariat Direktorat Jenderal Multilateral Kemlu RI, Taufiq Rodhy.

MOGADISHU | Thu Oct 10, 2013 7:27am EDT
A worker carries a bag of cement at Somalia's port of Mogadishu September 21, 2013. REUTERS-Feisal Omar(Reuters) - The dock workers at Mogadishu's port have to carry cargo on their backs to clear berths for the ships waiting out at sea.
The dilapidated facility has no functioning cranes and the vessels must use their own gear to unload once they make it in.
Yet the port is one of the Somali government's main sources of revenue, despite minimal investment over the years.
"It's the biggest asset the Somali government has," said Abdirashid Hashi, a former cabinet minister.
The sorry state of affairs shows the challenges Somalia faces as it tries to rebuild crumbling institutions and stabilize a nation under threat from an Islamist insurgency.
Government efforts to improve the port go to the heart of its desire to ease its reliance on foreign aid and generate more revenues to finance a security force capable of beating back al Shabaab militants.
"The more resources we have, the more institutions can function, and we can actually fight al Shabaab and the Islamist threat ourselves," Abdirahman Omar Osman, an adviser to the Somali presidency, told Reuters.
That threat was made clear again last month by the al Shabaab attack on a mall in Nairobi, Kenya, an incident which bore out international fears that chaotic Somalia provides a launch pad for militant Islam.
Foreign governments and agencies have poured in aid to help rebuild Somalia after 20 years of war, while security still largely depends on African peacekeeping troops who drove al Shabaab from the capital two years ago.
Donors want to see the federal government start to impose order with its own soldiers and introduce a new regime of financial management that will wean it off the donations.
The U.N. Monitoring Group on Somalia said in a report in July that the central bank received about $2.7 million each month from the port, but the monitors estimate at least a third of all revenue is unaccounted for.
The government has questioned some of the report's findings, saying they have "no basis in fact" but Osman conceded there are concerns with processing of port revenues.
Osman said income from the port in August was the highest in 20 years, heading towards $5 million. But that still finances only a modest part of the government's budget that is meant to run security forces, pay civil service salaries, and fund other institutions across a nation of 10 million people.
Diplomats estimate total aid to Somalia, which includes substantial military assistance, at "several hundred million dollars".
The governments' budget is $84 million, of which about $54 million is forecast to come from domestic sources and the remainder in external assistance. Spending is put at $114 million, leaving a $30 million deficit.
The EU reckons in a rough calculation that Somalia will need about $1 billion per year over the next three years to hit key reconstruction targets.
Development of the port, which employs about 4,000 administrators, porters and customs officials, has been slow.
Containers are stacked up at the docks. The slow unloading process adds to crowding at the trade gateway for Somalia's shaky economic revival.
"Ships use their lifts but it takes a week to unload," said Ali Moalim Mohamed, the customs office manager. "Most of goods are brought in without containers, this also wastes time."
One of the biggest problems is largely hidden from view.
Corruption blights the port operations, like much of the official workings in Somalia, which was torn apart by feuding warlords and then ruled by Islamist militants.
The U.N. report said at least a third of port revenues were siphoned off.
"Some clan-based business interests and militia groups have acquired a sense of entitlement, seeing the port as their property, rather than a national asset," Matthew Bryden, a director of Sahan Research think-tank.
Tussles for control can escalate beyond the boardroom. When former President Sherif Sheikh Ahmed ordered out then port director Abdi Jinow in 2010, a militia stepped in to block the move, leading to a standoff with African troops.
The government says it is tackling the corruption problem.
Port customs manager Mohamed said systems were in place to stop backhanders and ensure funds reached the central bank.
"Traders cannot move unless they show us the bank payment receipt," he said.
But port workers tell of underhand ways to cut duties on imports, in a nation where the federal government has limited control beyond the capital, al Shabaab control swathes of the countryside, and some regions barely recognize the government.
"It serves some people well to keep Somalia and the port the way it so it's very difficult to bring about change," said Hashi, who is now deputy director of the Mogadishu-based Heritage Institute for Policy Studies.

Still, the government is working to bring in outside help.
Presidential adviser Osman said it was in talks with foreign firms, including Dubai Port World, to manage the harbor. Turkish entities were also interested.
United Arab Emirates-based shipping firm Simatech began container shipments in February, a first for the facility. On its maiden journey from Dubai's Jebel Ali, a ship carried 535 TEUs (20-foot equivalent units).
But the need for ships to use their own cranes to unload reduces how much they can carry. They often have to moor at sea for days awaiting a berth.
"We never know if we are going to get berths on arrival, what kind of priorities they have for container vessels or general small vessels," said Noaman Akram, Simatech's Somalia manager. "It's difficult."
In reality, the government still relies heavily on aid to pay salaries and depends on the African soldiers for security.
"The idea of tax payments is to create employment, security and establish public roads, schools and hospitals, but we never get a single one of these," said Ismail Nur, a trader importing rice and pasta at the port.
"It is just a waste of money."
(Editing by Edmund Blair and Angus MacSwan)

Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

KBRI Bangkok: Remarkable Indonesia Showcase 2013

08 Oktober 2013
Showcase 1
Bangkok (7/10), Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI) di Bangkok bekerjasama dengan CentralWorld, telah melangsungkan acara opening ceremony "Remarkable Indonesia Showcase 2013"  yang berlangsung di CentralWorld, Bangkok, Thailand. Acara ini akan berlangsung dari tanggal 7 – 10 Oktober 2013.

Selama upacara pembukaan , atas nama Duta Besar Republik Indonesia untuk Thailand, Wakil Kepala Perwakilan Mr Bebeb AKN Djundjunan dalam sambutannya menyatakan bahwa " Acara ini merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan promosi perdagangan, pariwisata dan investasi di Indonesia.. Remarkable Indonesia Showcase 2013 adalah kesempatan untuk menampilkan berbagai produk berkualitas, pertunjukan budaya dan fashion show dari desainer Indonesia.

Bali Package For Economic Growth

Tuesday, 08 October 2013
Although the term used is similar, never think of sending an item with this package to the island of Bali. Its official name is “Bali Declaration: Resilient Asia-pacific, Engines of Global Growth”. To make people remember it more easily, this document is simply called “Bali Package”.

Bali package is the final document emerged from APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting, which took place in Nusa Dua, Bali from October 7 to 8, 2013, which is the culmination of more than 180 meetings taking during Indonesia’s chairmanship in APEC. This package contains several documents, namely: a Declaration of up to 8 pages (26 points) and two attachments namely “APEC Framework on Connectivity” and “Multi-Year Plan on Infrastructure Development and Investment.”

Declaration of the Economic Leaders contains records of successes that have been achieved since APEC Bogor 1994. It is said, APEC economies have managed to eradicate hundreds of people in Asia-Pacific from the yoke of poverty and build an open, strong and innovative economy, which is now the driving force of growth. Everything has been accomplished through a series of policies formulated very carefully and responsibly.

Vladimir Putin: Belanda Harus Minta Maaf Atas Pemukulan Diplomat Rusia

Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin menuntut permintaan maaf pemerintah Belanda setelah seorang diplomat Rusia ditangkap akhir pekan lalu.
Moskow telah menuduh bahwa aparat kepolisian setempat memasuki kediaman diplomat, Dimitri Borodin, dan memukulinya di depan anak-anaknya.
Kepada wartawan di sela-sela KTT APEC 2013 di Bali, Putin mengatakan: "Ini adalah pelanggaran Konvensi Wina (yang mengatur tentang hubungan diplomatik)."
"Kami menunggu penjelasan dan permintaan maaf dan bagi mereka bersalah harus dihukum. Sikap kami sangat bergantung bagaimana tindakan Belanda."
Menteri Luar negeri Belanda mengatakan persoalan ini masih diselidiki, dan menyatakan akan meminta maaf jika terbukti ada pelanggaran protokol diplomasi.

Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

Madonna Tertarik Islam dan Serius Belajar Mengaji

Holy studies: Madonna in a red kabbalah bracelet, said to ward off misfortunePenyanyi legendaris musik pop asal Amerika Serikat Madonna mengaku sekarang ini sedang mempelajari kitab suci umat Islam Alquran dan membangun sejumlah sekolah bagi anak perempuan di negara-negara muslim.

Surat kabar the Daily Mail melaporkan, Senin (7/10), bintang musik pop berusia 55 tahun itu menyampaikan pernyataan mengejutkan itu dalam wawancara terbarunya dengan majalah mode Harper's Magazine.

"Saya sedang membangun sekolah-sekolah bagi perempuan di negara-negara Islam dan mempelajari Alquran. Menurut saya penting untuk mempelajari berbagai kitab suci," kata perempuan yang mengaku pernah diperkosa 35 tahun lalu itu.

More Than 50 African Billionaire

Isabel dos SantosAfrica has 55 billionaires, far more than previously thought, Nigeria-based Ventures financial magazine says.
They include three women - the mother of Kenya's president, a daughter of Angola's president and a Nigerian oil tycoon and fashion designer.
The richest man is Nigeria's Aliko Dangote, with a fortune of $20.2bn (£12.5bn), Ventures said.
The list is likely to reignite debate about inequality between rich and poor people in Africa, correspondents say.

The Darfur conflict's deadly gold rush

KHARTOUM | Tue Oct 8, 2013 8:17am EDT

A trader shows a piece of gold at his shop in the town of Al-Fahir in North Darfur, September 24, 2013. Picture taken September 24, 2013. REUTERS-Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah(Reuters) - With its scrub land, unpaved roads and mud brick huts, the Jebel Amer area in Darfur, western Sudan, can look like a poor and desolate place. Under the ground, though, lies something sought by people everywhere: gold. 
In the past year or so the precious metal has begun to alter the nature of the decade-old conflict in Darfur, transforming it from an ethnic and political fight to one that, at least in part, is over precious metal.
Fighting between rival tribes over the Jebel Amer gold mine that stretches for some 10 km (six miles) beneath the sandy hills of North Darfur has killed more than 800 people and displaced some 150,000 others since January. Arab tribes, once heavily armed by the government to suppress insurgents, have turned their guns on each other to get their hands on the mines. Rebel groups that oppose the government also want the metal.

Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

Career Opportunity at Indonesian Embassy in The Hague


The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in The Hague is seeking an analyst staff for economic affairs. 
  • Analyze trade, investment and financial information to produce report.
  • Handling administrative task.
  • Making appointment.
  • Permanent resident of the Kingdom of the Netherlands or Dutch Nationality.
  • A minimum of a bachelor’s degree.
  • Max age 35 years.
  • Ability of speaking, reading, writing in Indonesian, English and Dutch are required.
  • A minimum of one year working experience, preferably in related field.
  • Proficiency in all Microsoft Office applications.
  • Strong analytical skills.
  • The successful candidate would ideally have detailed knowledge of the following: Dutch law, Dutch culture, current economic issues and social issues.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Must be a proven self-starter with the ability to work independently and as a part of a team as well as work well under pressure.
  • The applicant must be able to show a statement from the authority that declares the applicant never committed a criminal act.
  • Physically and mentally health statement from the authority.
  • Applicant does not have a family relationship with the embassy staff.
  • Graduate students are welcome to submit the application letter. Exception: student who receive a scholarship from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, foreign or local government, state-owned enterprises or private entities in Indonesia/local state are not eligible to submit the application.
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Please send application letter, Curriculum vitae (CV), others documents at the latest 9 October 2013 to KBRI Den Haag, Tobias Asserlaan 8, 2517 KC or by email to For further inquiries please send email to

Den Haag, 4 October 2013

Jakarta Kaki Lima Night Ramai Diserbu Pengunjung

nightmarketKegiatan Kaki Lima Night Market yang berlangsung di Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan tepat di depan Balaikota DKI Jakarta hari ini, cukup menyedot animo pengunjung untuk berbondong-bondong datang ke acara tersebut. Bahkan, acara yang resminya baru dibuka Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), jam 20.00 malam, ternyata telah disesaki pengunjung sejak sore.

Pantauan, hingga pukul 16.30 ratusan pengunjung telah memadati ruas Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan. Ratusan tenda pedagang juga telah selesai didirikan oleh pihak panitia. Sejumlah pedagang bahkan sudah sibuk melayani beberapa pembeli yang datang.

The Girl Who Was Shot For Going To School

Malala YousafzaiOne year ago schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head by Taliban gunmen - her "crime", to have spoken up for the right of girls to be educated. The world reacted in horror, but after weeks in intensive care Malala survived. Her full story can now be told.
She is the teenager who marked her 16th birthday with a live address from UN headquarters, is known around the world by her first name alone, and has been lauded by a former British prime minister as "an icon of courage and hope".

She is also a Birmingham schoolgirl trying to settle into a new class, worrying about homework and reading lists, missing friends from her old school, and squabbling with her two younger brothers.
She is Malala Yousafzai, whose life was forever changed at age 15 by a Taliban bullet on 9 October 2012.
I have travelled to her home town in Pakistan, seen the school that moulded her, met the doctors who treated her and spent time with her and her family, for one reason - to answer the same question barked by the gunman who flagged down her school bus last October: "Who is Malala?"

Cina Menginginkan Damai Di APEC

Xi JinpingPresiden Cina, Xi Jinping, menegaskan keinginan damai negaranya dalam KTT APEC di Bali, yang dibuka Senin 7 Oktober selama dua hari.
Dalam pidatonya, dia mengatakan Klik Cina tidak bisa berkembang dalam isolasi di Asia Pasifik dan pada sisi lain Asia Pasifik tidak bisa sejahtera tanpa Cina. 

"Cina akan memegang teguh perdamaian dan stabilitas kawasan," tegasnya.
"Tanpa perdamaian makan pembangunan tidak akan ada, seperti air tanpa sumber atau pohon tanpa akar."
Xi juga menjelaskan kondisi perekonomian Cina saat ini yang sedang melambat karena dikendalikan sehingga tidak perlu ada kekhawatiran akan anjlok.

Bartender Winning Lottery Ticket

Jerry Arnett, lottery ticketAurora Kephart was serving customers at Conway’s Restaurant and Lounge in Oregon, in the US, when she was asked to pick two lottery tickets by a male patron.
To her surprise, and his, she discovered she had won the huge sum.
‘The look on his face was incredible,’ the 25-year-old told The Register-Guard newspaper.
‘I automatically handed it back to him; it was his ticket.’
 A bartender was left in a ‘scramble’ after a regular tipped her with a $17,500 (£11,000)

But the man, who has not released his name, told her to keep it and even forced her to sign it so no one else could claim the prize.

Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013

Bisnis Sewa Rahim Raup Untung Milyaran

Anda ingin punya anak, tapi tidak mampu hamil? Datang saja ke India. Di sana ada pabrik bayi yang menyediakan ibu sewaan. Mereka adalah perempuan miskin yang dibayar untuk mengandung bayi-bayi para klien.

Kalau benar-benar ingin punya momongan, syaratnya mudah. Kirim saja sperma atau embrio ke toko reproduksi serba adatersebut. Tunggu sembilan bulan dan jemputlah bayi Anda.

Itulah sistem yang dilakukan proyek dengan sebutan program ibu pengganti tersebut. Penggagasnya adalah dr Nayna Patel. Menurut pengakuannya kepada program BBC Four, dirinya sudah menghasilkan 600 bayi bagi pasangan-pasangan kaya yang ingin punya anak.

Saya sudah kerap menghadapi kritik dan masih akan menghadapinya nanti. Kata banyak orang, saya ini kontroversial. Sebab, saya dituduh menjual bayi atau membikin pabrik bayi, ungkapnya.

U.S. shows Qaeda pursuit with Libya, Somalia raids

TRIPOLI/MOGADISHU | Sun Oct 6, 2013 9:02am EDT

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry gestures during a news conference at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) ministerial meeting in Nusa Dua, Bali island October 5, 2013. REUTERS/BeawihartaReuters - U.S. raids in Libya and Somalia that captured an Islamist wanted for bombing its Nairobi embassy 15 years ago show Washington's determination to hunt down al Qaeda leaders around the globe, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday.
Libyan Nazih al-Ragye, better known by the cover name Abu Anas al-Liby, was seized by U.S. forces in Tripoli on Saturday, the Pentagon said. A seaborne raid on the Somali port of Barawe, a stronghold of the al Shabaab movement behind last month's attack on a Kenyan mall, failed to take or kill its target.

23 Persen Pria Asia Mengaku Pernah Memperkosa

Hampir seperempat pria yang disurvei dalam laporan PBB tentang kekerasan terhadap perempuan di beberapa bagian di Asia mengaku melakukan setidaknya satu kali pemerkosaan.
Pemerkosaan dipandang umum terjadi dalam suatu hubungan. Namun, satu dari 10 pria mengaku memperkosa seorang wanita yang bukan pasangannya.

Sedikitnya sepuluh ribu orang dari enam negara ikut ambil bagian dalam survei ini.
Ini adalah studi pertama yang bersifat multi-nasional yang bertujuan mengkaji meluasnya kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan alasan di balik itu.

Musisi India Bikin Lagu Mengenang Korban Perkosaan

anoushka shankarMusisi India Anoushka Shankar menuliskan lagu untuk mengenang mahasiswi yang menjadi korban pemerkosaan brutal di New Delhi tahun lalu.
Seperti diketahui, seorang mahasiswi diperkosa beramai-ramai di bus pada tanggal 16 Desember 2012 lalu ketika pulang dari menonton bioskop.
Tiga belas hari kemudian korban meninggal dunia akibat luka-luka yang dialaminya. Setidaknya (Klik empat orang tersangka pemerkosaKlik telah dijatuhi vonis mati.)
"Kisahnya adalah puncak dari jutaan kisah lain," kata Shankar kepada BBC Radio 4.